
Pat gives you — free of charge — his Swings Everyday (SED) workout plan, while he explains the benefits of high frequency kettlebell swing training, and how to get the most out of it while reducing overuse risk. PS – you want an even craaazier challenge, check out our 300 Swings Kettlebell Challenge at
Adopting a vegan lifestyle can be an incredibly rewarding journey, offering numerous health benefits and promoting a more sustainable and compassionate way of life. It not only transforms the way you look at your food, but it heightens your awareness about the ethical and environmental implications of dietary choices. From discovering new vegetables and grains
A quick scroll on TikTok these last few days will point you straight to Reese Witherspoon’s seemingly delicious “chococinno.” The viral recipe consists of snow, salted-caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, and cold brew (yum!). But since sharing the snow-day treat with the internet, Witherspoon has gotten tons of comments and questions on her post about whether
Jan. 22 marks what would have been the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. In anticipation, the White House invited several journalists to sit down with members of the administration the Friday beforehand, Jan. 19, to discuss their commitment to reinstating reproductive freedoms. As I walked through the security gates and onto the snow-covered grounds
Here’s a myth about HIIT workouts: they’re only for the super fit. The misconception probably comes from the name. High-intensity interval training sounds, well, intense. But, “HIIT is absolutely beginner friendly. I do HIIT with an 80-year-old client!” says Danielle Gray, CPT, SFC, CES, CKT, celebrity trainer and founder of Train Like A Gymnast. What
Episode 218 of The Super Human Life podcast – How To Eat, Sleep, & Train To Build Muscle & Burn Fat w/ Stan Efferding Watch the full episode – Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts – Stan Efferding is not your average fitness expert. With an illustrious career spanning over 35 years,
Here’s a quick lunge and squat combination using only a block/step/small box to provide some uneven positioning in the squat and front foot elevation in the lunges to allow for greater depth! These exercises will provide a lot of work for the quads, hamstrings and glutes! Really try to focus on depth of your squats