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When you want to build strength and blow off steam, reaching for a medicine ball is the move. Popular med ball exercises involve hurling the weight against the ground or wall — a maneuver that could be downright catastrophic with a dumbbell or kettlebell.

The medicine ball’s function for channeling angst isn’t its only advantage. “Medicine balls are a useful addition to a workout for someone who is looking to increase their explosive power (i.e., jumping, sprinting, et cetera),” says Steph Strine, ISSA-CPT, a trainer at SotoMethod. Medicine balls are also ideal for partner exercises (e.g., medicine ball tosses), and their larger surface area allows for a better weight distribution in people with wrist sensitivities than dumbbells, she adds.

Add a medicine ball to your home workout setup and you can twist, toss, and slam to your heart’s content without ever entering a gym. To help point you toward the best options, we asked trainers to share their top recommendations.

Experts Featured in This Article:

Steph Strine, ISSA-CPT is a trainer at SotoMethod.

Courtney Roselle, NASM-CPT, is a trainer and founder of Iron Grace Fitness.

Tom Holland, CSCS, NASM-CPT, is a trainer and founder of TeamHolland.

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