Workout Program Builder
Ready to grow those arms to 19 inches?




One common mistake I see people make with any body part that isn’t growing for them but especially with biceps and triceps is they only dedicate a few sets each week to training them. You need a dedicated day if you want to consistently make progress.

The second mistake is undervaluing connection and this happens when you center your training around increasing the weight you lift or value using a full range of motion over connecting with the muscle you’re trying to hit. In reality, the only thing matters is that you maintain a connection and limit the involvement to supporting muscles as much as possible!


Rope Extensions SS Rope Curls
4 Sets / 20 Reps

Rope Extensions: “I would start off by keeping your elbows slightly in front of you and tucking them into your stomach. You want to feel like you’re flexing the weight towards you and not just throwing it down to the ground.”

Rope Curls: “Also tuck your elbows into your stomach and really exaggerate the rotation of those wrists and you contract up.”

EZ Bar Skull Crushers SS EZ Bar Wide Grip Drags
4 Sets / 20 Reps

EZ Bar Skull Crushers: “Make sure you adjust the angle of your elbow, best case is you’re able to point them at least 45 degrees to change the top of the contraction from a place you can rest to the hardest F’n part.”

EZ Bar Wide Grip Drags: “The slower you can go the better, I find that not only will it instanlty make 20 reps feel like a bad idea but also help you maintain good form (because your traps will try to screw these up).”

Dumbbell French Press SS Hammer Curls
4 Sets / 20 Reps

Dumbbell French Press: “Make sure you’re not locking out and to activate the triceps even more imagine like you’re trying to bring that DB parrellel to the floor at the top (you’re not going to but that little bit of shift in the weight will engage the triceps even more on each rep).”

Hammer Curls: “Tuck your elbows into your stomach and lean slightly forward, this will keep your shoulders out of it and make it more difficult for you to rest at the top.”

Incline Curls SS Tricep Pushups
4 Sets / (20 Reps / Failure)

Incline Curls: “Try lowing the bench down one more notch than you would normally do, it will fill weird at first but that arm will naturally fall back and you’re able to more easily keep it there and focus the curl on the long head.”

Tricep Pushups: “You should be trying to actively lean more forward or dip your shoulders down as you go into the negative and as you contract up leave those hips down and lean back to put more pressure on those triceps.”

#biggerarms #biceps #triceps

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