Workout Program Builder
Here’s a mighty tough chest, back, shoulders and arms workout you can do at home or in the gym!

Mobility focused warm up, Supersets & Giant sets = feel and look amazing in record time.

➤ FOCUS: Upper Body
➤ TIME: 35 Minutes
➤ FORMAT: 40s on / 20s off
➤ EQUIPMENT: Mat, Dumbbells (I used 2 x 5kg, 12.5kg, 20kg, 30kg)

⏱ Brief: 00:00 – 02:36
Workout: 02:36 – 34:56
Cool Down: 34:56 – 37:51

📖 Program:
➤ Warm Up:
Quadruped Scapular Push Ups
Side Lying T Spine Rotation L / R
Alternating Toe Taps
Crush Grup Curl to Halo


➤ Hollow Body Single Arm Floor Press L / R
➤ Bent Over Top Down Row
x 3 sets

➤ Glute Bridge Press to Fly
➤ Bent Over Pronated Reverse Fly
➤ Overhead Tricep Extension
x 3 sets

➤ Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
➤ Alternating Bicep Curl
➤ Alternating V Up
x 3 sets

➤ Cooldown:
Eagle Arms L / R
Twisted Cross L / R

💡 Coach Notes:

MODIFICATIONS: This series includes a bench within the programming, but any exercises that use it can be substituted to target the same muscles either by performing the same movement on the floor, or using your environment in a similar way. I wanted to provide more programming options by using extra equipment but still make this accessible if this isn’t an option for you so please don’t be put off if that is the case!

You’ll notice I’m sometimes stopping before the 40s timer – this is one of the many ways you can make the time frames work for YOU so you can get a workout that challenges you. I was pushing myself with the weights on some of these movements – and the combinations were tough – which meant I was simply reaching failure before the timer. So view the work windows as just that – windows to perform an adequate amount of work that challenges you, that’s the most important thing.

WEIGHTS: Ideally we want access to dumbbells that challenge us within these movements, with larger ‘compound’ movements being heavier and the smaller isolation movements being lighter, so a heavier and lighter pair of dumbbells is often ideal.
This can and will require trial and error, and if within this format of work and rest you have to take additional rest that’s absolutely fine! Please do so, make it work for you – over time you will improve! That’s the beauty of getting stronger and fitter.
If it is too easy you can try heavier weights if this is an option for you.

TECHNIQUE: Using weights that allow you to focus on correct execution of each exercise is definitely a priority. Over time you will get more confident in performing challenging sets whilst maintaining great form. Please prioritise this!

If you are newer to training please consider doing my Hero Base Camp series – 4 workshops breaking down the movement patterns coached by me. This will help prepare you for the full workouts.
– Hero Base Camp Playlist:

Stretching & Mobility Playlist:
Hero I :

Thank you for joining me in this workout, I hope you enjoy it and continue your journey to feeling your best each and every day. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there’s anything I can help you with.

Jasp 🙂

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