Home Workout
Create The PERFECT Home Workout (+2 Workouts With Sets And Reps)

Bodyweight Burner Bundle: http://bit.ly/2IRz02u

Home Workout #1: The 20s Density Intervals

Complete 4-6 rounds through the circuit below, resting 20-40 seconds between rounds. Complete the hold interval followed by the reps interval without resting. So if you’re doing the deadlift hold into hops, do both on one side before switching.

If the plyo or jumping becomes to much, modify to reps to keep moving!

20 seconds Squat Hold
20 seconds Squat Jumps
20 seconds Lying Scapular Hold
20 seconds Lying Scapular Reps
20 seconds per side Single Leg Deadlift Hold
20 seconds per side Single Leg Deadlift Hops
20 seconds High Plank Hold
20 seconds Plyo Push Ups
20 seconds Boat Hold
20 seconds Roll to Jump
20-40 seconds Rest

Home Workout #2: 5 Minute Fight Rounds

Set a timer for 5 minute rounds. Complete as many reps through the series as you can in that time. Then rest 1-2 minutes and move on to 5 minutes on the next series. Try not to rest during the 5 minutes of work. Reduce the reps or even modify moves to keep moving!

5-10 per side Single Leg Squats (to bench)
5-10 reps Scorpion Push Ups
5-10 reps per side Rotational Row Sit Ups

4-6 reps per side Side to Curtsy Lunge
5-10 reps Decline Climber Push Ups
4-6 reps per side Sit Thrus

5-10 reps per side Balance Lunges
5-10 reps Pike Push Ups
5-10 reps per side Single Arm Plank Jacks

5-10 reps Squat with 3-Count Pulse
5-10 reps per side Tricep Push Ups
5-10 reps Cherry Bombs

5-10 reps per side Side Lunge Hops
4-6 reps per side Bird Dog Push Ups
5-10 reps per side Dip Tabletop Toe Touch

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