But it’s also very easy to build your own workout in the editor.
In the simple variante we build a workout with several legs (=segments) and changed them step by step or change the order and so on:
Leg 1.1 WarmUp
Leg 1.2 Mainpart-Stress
Leg 1.3 Mainpart-Relax
Leg 1.8 CoolDown
But you can use also our two stage logic and build a sequence and in this sequence several legs and loop them x-times:
Sequence 1 Warmup
Leg 1.1
Sequence 2 Main-Part
(loop for 5 times and after the last loop
you ride the cooldown after the last stress part)
Leg 2.1 Stress
Leg 2.2 Relax
Sequence 3 CoolDown
Leg 3.1
Info for Setting FTP%: The resistance is calculated from our personal FTP-value but you can define also the workout with absolut watt-values. This means you have to adjust the workout for different riders. This is the reason we suggest the FTP%-approach.
icTrainer is the perfect training partner for all cyclists and triathletes. Train efficiently on your home trainer with this fun cycling training program software.
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