This workout is very different from the other workouts you have seen. We start with 3 reps, rest, 4 reps rest, and so on until we reach 7 total reps then rest and go back for another.
The purpose is to build strength and muscle mass with just 3 simple exercises
Biceps Curl
*Tip* If you go too heavy you wont be able to finish—if you choose too light of a load you gain nothing…choose your weights wisely. Load should be be 70% of your 1 rep max.
There are 2 min rest at the end of each round…feel free to dance in between! 🙂
Follow me on Instagram @Alliem.fitlife for other workouts and other fitness and nutrition tips!
** If you are new to exercise or beginning your fitness journey,, always be sure to consult your physician first. This video is not meant to substitute any medical professional advice. Remember that you are performing these exercises at your own risk. Be safe my friends!