Show notes and transcript: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/stuart-phillips
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00:00:00 – In this episode
00:00:40 – Start of interview
00:01:31 – Why muscle is important for longevity
00:08:49 – Is the importance of muscle mass (per se) overstated?
00:11:03 – Is the RDA on protein too low?
00:13:18 – Minimum vs. optimal protein intake (for athletes)
00:13:54 – Why older adults need more protein
00:19:07 – Caloric restriction vs. higher protein for aging
00:22:20 – What is a catabolic crisis?
00:24:05 – Effects of space flight on muscle
00:30:32 – Practical tips for protein intake
00:33:51 – Protein timing and the anabolic window
00:35:44 – Most important factors for hypertrophy
00:38:14 – Should we supplement leucine?
00:40:03 – Does plant protein support hypertrophy?
00:50:48 – Causes of anabolic resistance
00:52:40 – What types of exercise and how much?
01:01:14 – Protein and rest as tools for recovery
01:02:32 – Mechanisms of muscle protein synthesis and breakdown
01:02:50 – Does rapamycin inhibit hypertrophy?
01:07:26 – What is Dr. Phillips doing to age well?
01:09:44 – Hormonal responses to exercise
01:11:34 – Sex differences in hypertrophy
01:13:57 – Effect of menopause on muscle
01:14:22 – Do testosterone boosters work?
01:16:15 – Does growth hormone improve muscle?
01:20:50 – Androgen replacement therapy (benefits vs. drawbacks)
01:25:36 – Mental health benefits of exercise
01:26:15 – Anti-catabolic effects of heat
01:32:39 – Molecular causes of sarcopenia
01:36:56 – Anti-catabolic effects of omega-3
01:43:17 – Brain and muscle effects of creatine
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