Home Workout
Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves and thighs – we’re hitting it all in this LEG WORKOUT AT HOME (no equipment needed!)

Zero30 DAY 3: 30-Minute Bodyweight Leg Workout At Home (STRENGTH)! ??

⭐️ Zero30 is a FREE 2-Week, No Equipment, Full Body Workout Plan (NEW VIDEOS DAILY)! Download the full calendar here:

Zero 30: Free 2-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan

?? OR find all of the Zero30 Workouts in this Youtube playlist:

✨THE WORKOUT: 30-Minute Leg Workout At Home (STRENGTH) (Zero30 Day 3)✨

? My Oversized Yoga Mat is from Gorilla Mats (affiliate link): http://gorillamats.com?aff=5​​​
*Discount Code: NourishMoveLove

✔️ 3 Circuits (each circuit contains 3 STRENGTH exercises and 3 STRENGTH BURNOUT exercises)
✔️ Timed Intervals (Perform each STRENGTH exercise for 40 seconds of work, followed immediately by the STRENGTH BURNOUT exercise for 20 seconds of work. Take a 20 second rest.)
✔️ Repeat Each Circuit x 2 Sets (rest for one minute between circuits)
✔️ Includes Mobility Warm-Up and Cool Down Stretching

►Workout Outline:
1) Air Squat
2) Squat Hold + Pulse
3) Lateral Lunge + Transverse Squat, Right
4) Lateral Lunge Hold + Pulse OR Power Push Off, Right
5) Lateral Lunge + Transverse Squat, Left
6) Lateral Lunge Hold + Pulse OR Power Push Off, Left

1) Reverse Lunge + Knee Drive + Reverse Lunge + Rear Lift
2) Rear Lift + Balance Front Leg Pulse
3) Curtsy Lunge + Squat
4) Side Leg Lift
5) Front Lunge + Single Leg Deadlift
6) Front Lunge Hold + Heel Lift

1) 2-Pulse Sumo Squat
2) Sumo Squat Hip Lifts
3) Quadruped Fire Hydrant + Kick
4) Side Kick Hold + Hamstring Kicks
5) Glute Bridge March
6) Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold + Pulse

❤️ Find the breakdown of each of these exercises in this post:

30-Minute Bodyweight Leg Workout (Zero30, Day 3)

► Cue up your favorite music, press ‘play’, and let’s knock it out!
Here’s my workout playlist: https://spoti.fi/32fRMuK​
? WEARING (affiliate links):
► lululemon Wunder Train High-Rise Leggings – https://lululemon.prf.hn/l/5m5zbmo
► lululemon Wunder Train Longline Bra – https://lululemon.prf.hn/l/AVvenO8

00:00 Workout Introduction
00:58 Warm Up
04:15 Circuit 1
13:28 Circuit 2
23:00 Circuit 3
32:35 Cool Down

►?Is this workout Pregnancy/Postpartum Friendly? With modifications. Slow down movements as needed, and sub squats for lunges if they aren’t comfortable for you.

?? Find all of the Zero30 Workouts in this Youtube playlist:

? Download the Workout Calendar PDF and get ALL the details on how to follow this FREE Workout Program here:

Zero 30: Free 2-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan

This plan follows a 5 day workout split, which means you get 5 NEW WORKOUT VIDEOS per week and 2 rest days per week (10 NEW workouts total!). You get to choose when to add your rest days in!

▪️Day 1: Full Body Strength — https://youtu.be/2we2gPU7Zys
▪️DAY 2: HIIT Bodyweight Arm Workout — https://youtu.be/Nr_1_TlZfOc
▪️DAY 3: ?You are here!
▪️DAY 4: Intense Yoga Workout — https://youtu.be/afvdiUfBUiM
▪️DAY 5: Bodyweight HIIT Workout — https://youtu.be/fr-GDIh-kpk

▪️DAY 6: HIIT Leg Workout, No Equipment — https://youtu.be/DShbl0K2y6o
▪️DAY 7: No Equipment Arm Workout: Arms + Abs — https://youtu.be/tEksVOR_aBE
▪️DAY 8: Yoga — https://youtu.be/1UqLUt1dYEY
▪️DAY 9: Cardio + Core Workout At Home, No Equipment — https://youtu.be/mM6hiv6hiUs
▪️DAY 10: No Equipment Workout: Intense HIIT — https://youtu.be/8z2siutoVqs

?SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL — https://bit.ly/NMLYoutubeSubscribe

Get all of my full length workout videos in your email inbox, and all my insider details (like my favorite athletic gear and more)!


► Access ALL of my FREE 14-DAY + 30-DAY WORKOUT CHALLENGES: https://www.nourishmovelove.com/category/workouts/move-blog/workout-calendars/

►FOLLOW On Instagram:


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