Workout Program Builder
1. Leaning Barbell Rear-Delt Raise – 4 x 12-15
2. Heavy Lateral Raise w/ Slight Kip – 4 x 10-12 (be careful with these, perfect form first before kipping)
3. Seated Bent-Over Rear-Delt Raise – 4 x 15-16
4. Steering Wheel Front Raise – 4 x 12-15
5. Lateral-Front Raise Combo – 3 x 26-30 total (last set burnout double dropset & amrap)
6. FINISHER: Lateral to Front Iso Raise – 4 x 10-12/to failure
7. STARTER: Standing Barbell Overhead Press – 4 x 8-10
Start with Barbell Overhead Press, rest in order above. 2-3 min rests. One very light warm-up set each exercise before the sets above. Work up to heaviest weight by 2nd/3rd set. About (beginner: 2-4 reps/advanced: 1-2 reps) from failure each set. Final set of 3, 5, & 6 to failure)

❗️My workouts tend to be more volume than optimal for beginner lifters. I make these routines for the purpose of building aesthetics based on the knowledge I’ve gained over the years in what workout splits and exercises I used to build and shape my own body. Each workout is provided with the intention of being a new routine for you in case you’ve hit a plateau in progress with your current routine.
In the end, progressive overload is what will drive hypertrophy (muscle gain), and the best way to actively measure progressive overload “accurately” is to measure the total volume of work done on that muscle group(s) and increase that volume by a small increment at each proceeding recurrence of that muscle group throughout your program.

The easiest way to ensure you’re increasing volume is by keeping the exercises of each recurrence of that muscle group a constant (doing the same exercises at each recurrence) in order to eliminate exercise variance as a variable that could affect total volume of work done on that muscle group just by the nature of engaging in different exercises.
*I recommend that you don’t sacrifice progressive overload consistency by changing up the exercises in your workout routine too soon for the sake of “shocking the muscles” if you don’t know for sure that you’re hitting a plateau

If you like the results you see from my workouts, for further knowledge on how to structure these workouts into an aesthetics-based weekly workout split and then structure those splits into a full program, sign up for my custom training & nutrition programs + app at

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