Workout Program Builder
Check out this extremely versatile and affordable program here: Average to Savage 2.0

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Stronger by Science:

Average to Savage Training Vlog Playlist:



What was known as the Average to Savage 2.0 program. Is now the Stronger by Science Program Bundle. The program was written by Greg Nuckols at Stronger by Science. SBSPB is a 21 week program and is customizable to your specific goals and training preferences. I’m currently focusing on hypertrophy (increasing muscle size), for this phase of training. This will involve higher reps and low to moderate weights being used to illicit a hypertrophic response in the body.

The bundle includes 7 different versions to help you either build muscle or strength. The program is split into 3x 7 week phases. Movements are based around compound barbell movements, the squat, bench, deadlift, overhead press and rows. But they can be modified to whatever movements you wish.
The program utilizes autoregulation, which helps to adjust loads based on weekly performance.

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to get stronger or build muscle and prefer to do this with a high percentage of compound barbell movements.
A great fit for powerlifters and powerbuilders. The versatility of the program, also lends itself to athletes looking for an adjunct to their regular sports specific training.

Who isn’t it for?

Not the best program for those who compete in other barbell sports, such as Crossfit, Olympic weight lifting or strongman training.


– Incredible value. 7 programs for $10
– Comes with detailed instructions, not just for the program, but about strength training in general
– Very flexible program. Within each template, you can adjust frequency, from 2-6x per week. Change movements easily. Adjust training volumes and set-rep schemes. Also change the autoregulation adjustments

– The spreadsheet is a bit cumbersome to change weight being lifted each week, if you want to diverge from the recommended load for the week
– Not as pretty as other templates


It took 2 full phases for real substantial training progressions to occur. The third and final phase was definitely the best performing phase.

In terms of body composition, I had a minor weight loss goal, which was achieved and I think in terms of physique, there was a minor improvement.

My mental excitement around the program never waned and I didn’t get bored of the program at any point.

Being able to rotate movements every 6 weeks, as well as weekly volume changes, ensured the program never felt too repetitive or bored to complete.

A final AMRAP set, also helped with enjoyment, by allowing myself to test myself each week.


The program is near perfect, 9.5/10. Highly recommend anybody interested in the program, go check it out!

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