Workout Program Builder
Workout programs to build muscle are a dime a dozen. How do you know when you should change your workout program for maximum muscle gains? Most workout programs aren’t changed enough to get the best results over the long-term. Here I explain how often workout programs should be changed. AVOID A PLATEAU by changing your workout program based on your training age. In short, the longer you’ve been training, the more frequently you need to change your weight training routine.

Hypertrophy MAX, Ben Pakulski and Vince Del Monte’s 12-month muscle building program changes the workouts monthly for an EXTIRE YEAR. Check out the free report on how they periodize the 6 forgotten factors of hypertrophy for colossal gains in size and strength here

@2:03 – Hey Vince! What is your approach about repeating workout programs? For example, doing MI40 and then another workout program and after that MI40 again.

@3:25 – As an ectomorph, I thought that I should do full-body workout programs. However, my two trainers suggested that I do a 4-dy split BECAUSE I’m skinny. They are certified trainers, so do you think they are wrong? Thanks.

@9:14 – Thanks for all the knowledge Vinc. I sure you will hit your one million mark. My question is how long should a workout programs session be? And how many muscle parts should be worked out for every session? Thanks Vince

@12:26 – Hey Vince! Just wanna know if you can do push and pull exercises together in the same workout program. As in the same training day or even in the same super set (for example triceps bench press and triceps pushdown). Thanks!

@14:34 – Hey Vince. I know you say and preach that it is critical to follow just one coach, so would it be wrong to take the other body builders’ advice on some things in their articles or books? For example, there are some, John Romaniello, Dave Ruel, Ben Pakulski, offer some program or articles. Would it be incorrect to follow some of their teachings when someone is committed to your program or teachings?

Got a question? Be sure to LIKE my fan page and ask away:

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Vince Del Monte
Muscle Building Expert
Honors Kinesiology Degree
P.I.C.P. Level 1 & 2 Certified
Precision Nutrition Certified

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