Workout Program Builder
55 MINUTE BUTT BUILDER AND SHOULDER WORKOUT – With summer right around the corner, why not spend some time sculpting your classic hourglass shape? We do this by building up our booty and shoulders. If you want shoulders that pop in a tank top, you’ve got to spend time training them. This workout takes you through 4 rounds, so we get a nice progressive overload of the muscles. Be sure to lift heavy (within your abilities). This workout is in rep range, so no timer, just follow along!
#glutesandshoulders #bootyworkout #tracysteen #movedaily #movedailyfitness

You will need: a variety of dumbbells, skipping rope (optional), chair or bench.
Format: Rep range – 12 reps/4 sets
Specific glute and shoulder warm includes skipping or jump to 7:00 to start right away

Far reaching weighted step up
Arnold press
Plie pulse squat

200 skips
30 Weighted glute thrusts
Powell raise
Reverse lunge pulse

200 skips

Seated front raise
Seated lateral raise
Single leg glute thrust from bench
Stretch and cool down

**NEW** Organize Your YouTube Workouts – Strength Edition –

Visit my Amazon storefront to see what equipment I recommend! #amazoninfluencer
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Indemnity** All information provided by Move Daily Fitness and Tracy Steen is of a general nature and is furnished for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual’s specific health conditions. Move Daily is not engaged in rendering any medical services. Move Daily makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or relevance of any text, video or audio content. Any content provided is not a diagnosis, treatment plan or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding your health and it is not intended to provide specific medical advice. Do not delay in seeking the advice and diagnosis of a medical professional because of anything you may have read or interpreted from Move Daily Fitness content. Consult your health care professional before participating in or acting on any recommendations found on Move Daily Fitness. You agree, at your exposure, to indemnify and hold Move Daily Fitness and Tracy Steen harmless from any and all losses, liabilities and injuries, or damages resulting from and all claims, cause of action, suits, proceedings and demands against Move Daily Fitness and Tracy Steen, arising from or related to decisions or recommendations you make using Move Daily Fitness content. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk.

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