Home Workout
Full Body Fat Burn Workout with New Adjustable Resistance Band!
Get the NEW MrandMrsMuscle Adjustable Resistance Band

GET FASTER WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS using our Meal Plans & Home Workout Calendars – https://mrandmrsmuscle.com

This Full Body Fat Burn and sculpt workout will help you shape your body whilst shedding unwanted weight. Our resistance band helps you feel every muscle group and maximizes each contraction. Every exercise is focused so remember to keep your core engaged throughout each rep by pulling your rib-cage down and tucking your pelvis. Squeeze a little tighter at the end of each rep to deepen muscle contractions.
If you want to get toned and tighten up then this workout is for you!

Challenge yourself by trying this Full Body Fat Burn and sculpt workout 2x a week and comment your progress below!

The resistance band series will help you:
– Sculpt your body
– Tone your legs and glutes
– Lose weight
– Increase strength
– Build lean muscle

Each training session is around 40 minutes and completely guided rep by rep and includes a warm up as well as modifications.
If you are looking for sustainable weight loss results and fat burning at home with minimal equipment then do this series with me every Thursday!!

Main Workout
1) Banded Jump Jacks
2) Walkout to Standing Abduction
3) Cross over Kickback
4) Cross over Kickback
5) Abduction to Narrow Glute Bridge
6) Narrow Push up (Wide Feet Stance)

REMINDER: Every Thursday I will be posting a full on fat burning, body sculpting resistance band workout! It will have you sweating buckets, building lean muscle and burning unwanted fat!

Quick Fat Loss Tips:
– Heavily reduce refined/processed carbs (SIMPLE SUGARS!!)
– Drink plenty of water or herbal teas (green tea)
– Eat intuitively (DO NOT EAT UNTIL YOU ARE FULL!)
– Eat a high protein diet
– Sleep earlier and longer
– Move more and sweat more!

MY Supplements – https://womens.best/mrandmrsmuscle
JOIN MY PRIVATE SQUAD – https://www.facebook.com/groups/justworkoutsquad

MrandMrsMuscle strongly recommends that you consult your physician before starting any exercise or workout program.
You should be in good physical and mental condition and be able to participate in the exercises.
You should be aware and understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this workout, exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge MrandMrsMuscle from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of MrandMrsMuscle’s negligence.

#fatburn #workouts #homeworkout #resistanceband

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