Workout Program Builder
What does the science actually say about how we should train to get bigger and stronger?
Get my new 10 week Powerbuilding System here:

What’s my Powerbuilding System all about?

‣ my best strength & size program to date designed for intermediate-advanced lifters
‣ you have the option to select a 4x/week or 5-6x/week version
‣ an Excel spreadsheet for tracking your progress
‣ a Technique Handbook explaining exactly how to break through sticking points
‣ full 10 week program (plus a max test week) including exact warm up sets, working sets, RPE, %1RM, and coaching cues for every exercise!
‣ video demos from me for every exercise
‣ a huge list of exercise substitutions
‣ detailed explanations of the entire program, and much more!

The program alternates between Full Body weeks and Upper/Lower weeks, like this:

Week 1 – Full Body [More strength focused]
Week 2 – Upper/Lower [More hypertrophy focused]

Also, if you’re a bit limited on equipment at the moment, no worries. I first ran through the program in a garage gym with just a power rack, some dumbbells and a few bands. There are some cable/machine options included, but there is also a full list of exercise substitutions for every exercise in the program. If you run into any other questions/concerns my coaching support team will be available to help you out as well.

Learn more here:

If you’re still in your first 1-2 years of lifting, I strongly recommend running my Fundamentals Program first:


Help SUPPORT the channel by:

1. Trying one of my training programs: →

2. Checking out what my sponsors have to offer:

▹ MASS (Monthly Research Review)
‣ Only $25/month (pre-paid yearly)

▹ PEScience Supplements
‣ Use discount code JEFF to save $$

▹ RISE Training Gear and Sportwear
‣ Use discount code JEFF to save 10%


How can we get really jacked and strong at the same time? A lot of people seem to think you can’t, (or you shouldn’t) because how you should train to get strong is supposedly very different from how you should train to get big. But I don’t quite agree with this.

It’s common to hear that if you want to get strong, you need to lift heavy weights for low reps and if you want to get big, you need to lift light to moderate weights for relatively higher reps.
Most personal trainers and textbooks outline clear and distinct rep zones for strength, hypertrophy and endurance. For strength: you lift heavy, for size: you lift moderate and for endurance: you lift light. And while there is some truth to this, it doesn’t capture the full picture.

The bottom line is: unless you’re going really, ridiculously light, heavy weights (low reps) AND light weights (high reps) are BOTH effective at building muscle. However, when it comes to strength, the rep range really does seem to matter: it is important to lift heavy to maximize top-end strength development.

In this video I will describe periodization and progression examples for powerbuilding (powerliftng plus bodybuilding) based on these principles.



MASS Volume 2, Issue 5 (

In Defense of Powerlifting: Why It’s NOT Hurting Bodybuilding

Video was filmed at Florida Extreme Fitness Center in Jacksonville, Fl! My favorite gym in Jax!

Bankrupt Beats:


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PODCAST ‣ The Jeff Nippard Podcast on iTunes and Stitcher


About me: I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 12 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).


Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

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