Fitness Workout for Men
If you are looking for a home leg workout that will help you to build muscle without needing access to a full gym, then this is the video for you. Here, you have two complete options for a limited equipment leg workout that requires just a single set of dumbbells or a completely bodyweight leg workout that you can do in just a little bit of space in your living room.

The key to the success of this workout is in its construction. Here you have something called APEX leg workouts. The key to an APEX workout is that it pairs three exercises for the legs done in succession that are done with very little rest. The rest is determined by the level of difficulty that you are doing the workout at. If you are a beginner, then you perform each leg exercise for 15 seconds and rest for 15 seconds before moving onto the next one in the circuit. Intermediate trainees will perform each for 20 seconds, earning just 10 seconds rest. Finally, the advanced lifters are doing the exercises for 25 seconds with just 5 seconds rest between them.

After the completion of the APEX circuit, you have 30 seconds to rest before you have to move onto a 2 minute corrective circuit for strengthening the hip muscles. The hips are often times overlooked in leg workouts but not here. In order to maximize the strength of your legs you need to work on the weak links as well. The hips almost always are the culprit for decreased overall leg strength but tend to respond very quickly to even a little bit of extra attention in your leg workouts.

30 seconds of exercise are performed on each of the exercises of the corrective circuit.

After completing your first corrective leg circuit, you earn another 30 seconds of rest and then proceed to the next APEX leg exercise circuit. The workout continues until all 4 circuits are done. For a beginner or intermediate, this will take about 20 minutes. This would be the entire leg workout. If, on the other hand, you are going to attempt this at a more advanced level you could opt for an additional round which would bring your total workout time up to about 45 minutes.

With that said, here is how the workout breaks down for those who are looking to try this at home leg workout for themselves.


Anterior Chain – DB Goblet Squats or Bodyweight Squats
Posterior Chain – DB Bridge March or Bridge Marches
Explosive – DB Swings or Bodyweight Swings
Rest 30 seconds
Corrective 1 – Jane Fonda’s x 30 seconds each leg
Corrective 2 – 1 1/2 Rep Adductor Slides x 30 seconds each leg
Rest 30 seconds


Anterior Chain – DB Reverse Lunges or Bodyweight Reverse Lunges
Posterior Chain – DB Sprinter Lunges or Bodyweight Sprinter Lunges
Explosive – DB Jump Squats or Jump Squats
Rest 30 seconds
Corrective 1 – 1 1/2 Jane Fonda’s x 30 seconds each leg
Corrective 2 – Adductor Slides x 30 seconds each leg
Rest 30 seconds


Anterior Chain – DB Never Ending Squat or Bodyweight Version
Posterior Chain – DB Hamstring RDL or Bodyweight Hamstring RDL
Explosive – DB Glute Power RDL
Rest 30 seconds
Corrective 1 – Jane Fonda’s x 30 seconds each leg
Corrective 2 – 1 1/2 Rep Adductor Slides x 30 seconds each leg
Rest 30 seconds


Anterior Chain – DB Reverse Creeping Lunges or Creeping Lunges
Posterior Chain – DB Long Leg Bridges or Bodyweight Long Leg Bridges
Explosive – Sprinter Plyo Lunges
Rest 30 seconds
Corrective 1 – 1 1/2 Jane Fonda’s x 30 seconds each leg
Corrective 2 – Adductor Slides x 30 seconds each leg

Give this home leg workout a shot and if you are looking for a complete bodyweight workout program that you can do without any equipment at all to build muscle in just 6 weeks, be sure to head to and get the XERO program. Build a ripped, muscular body by training like a pro athlete and eating like one too.

For more bodyweight workouts at home or bodyweight leg workouts, be sure to subscribe to this channel via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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