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If you want to get big, you have to train, eat, think, and live big. Follow along as Jay cutler does workouts, gives you training tips, and follow his nutrition plan.
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00:00 – Intro
01:09 – Day In the Life of Jay Cutler
03:40 – Barber Shop
05:55 – The Cutler Brand
08:38 – 4x Mr. Olympia
10:54 – Normal Clothes Don’t Fit
13:54 – Shaving the Back
15:10 – Pain Relief
17:23 – The Biggest Name in Bodybuilding
18:35 – Outro

No one lives bigger than Jay Cutler. Learn from the life of one of the world’s greatest bodybuilders.

Four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler lives with unbridled consistency and dedication. His life is a regimented combination of eating, sleeping, and training. He lives large, works hard, and trains harder. His physique wins contests—and he’s gunning for another Sandow September 28, 2013, in Las Vegas—but his mentality and determination make him a true champion. Take a cue from Jay’s life to enrich your own.

Building muscle takes more than physical fortitude. It takes a certain mindset and drive to create an elite body. Even if you lift big, you won’t get big if you don’t know how to think big. That’s your first lesson from Jay Cutler.

“I always say that the mentality of a bodybuilder isn’t normal,” Jay explains. “Something has to be triggered inside you. You always want to push yourself beyond the limits. Honestly, you have to be a little crazy. There are some people who have the potential to have the best physiques in the world, but they don’t have the mental capabilities to push themselves.”

You can’t be one of the world’s best bodybuilders if you don’t have the mental toughness to work at it, day in and day out. To build your body, you must master your mind and tune out distractions. Jay knows this all too well. “It isn’t an easy thing being Jay Cutler,” he says. “I’m recognized everywhere I go, and everybody wants a piece of my time.”

Jay has a business to run, travels constantly, trains often, eats more often, and tries to leave some time for fun. He lives in Vegas, which offers even more temptations, but Jay wouldn’t have it any other way. “It gives me more drive being in a place that’s so distracting, and I’m still so focused.”

Aside from being absurdly busy, Jay struggles with little things most people do with ease: “You don’t understand the benefits of being a normal person until you see someone like me who can’t buy clothes off the rack, can’t eat normal places, can’t ride in certain sized cars, can’t ride in some airplane seats, can’t stay in certain hotels with small beds, or fit in small showers. It’s hard to shop, it’s hard to go out to eat, it’s hard to travel.”

On the plus side, it’s easy for him to build more muscle than most people can fathom. They stare, but he doesn’t care. “I don’t try to hide it,” he says. “I don’t wear big, baggy clothes.” Jay has spent the last 20 years turning his body into a work of art; he knows how to appreciate it. “When you’re my size, you never think you’re small. I like the way I look now. I’m always checking myself out, flexing, admiring the physique.”

Although Father Time is now perhaps his biggest bodybuilding adversary, Jay still accepts nothing but greatness from himself. “I don’t think I’m ‘past my prime,'” he says.”I’m a four-time Mr. Olympia champ and six-time runner up. I still want to compete at my best, even at the age I am.”


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