Workout Program Builder
If Arnold Schwarzenegger visualized it, it came true. His goal to be the best bodybuilder of all time—to leave a legacy so great that he would always be remembered—was so clear in his mind that everything else faded away.
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00:00 – Intro
01:02 – Arnold’s Vision
04:25 – Tips for Staying on a Diet
07:05 – The Most Important thing
09:05 – Importance of a Training Partner
10:20 – Gym Intensity
13:20 – Everyone Has a Problem with Time

In this video, you’ll get to view never-before-seen footage of Arnold building his legacy, including some classic tape from the golden age of bodybuilding and new, exclusive interview footage. Follow Arnold’s path so you can learn how to build your own.

Along with a very clear vision, you’ll need enthusiasm to achieve your goal. Arnold was always excited about his progress and excited about the work he was doing in the gym.

“That’s why I always smiled when I was in the gym,” says Arnold. “People always asked me why I was smiling. Other guys had a sour face or they were pissed off that they had to do another rep or another set. But I looked forward to the work. Why? Because I knew that with every rep that I did, every set that I did, with every weight that I that I lifted, I got one step closer to turning my vision into reality.

“Because I was so enthusiastic about achieving my vision and winning one championship after the next, there was always excitement,” Arnold says. “So, when I went into the gym, I put my gym bag down and immediately attacked the weights.”


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