Home Workout
20 minute high-intensity upper body home workout, no equipment needed. Want to build stronger & bigger arms, chest or even a 6-pack at home with your own bodyweight / without equipment?

This home workout targets your whole upper body, especially the arms, chest and abs. A high intensity upper body workout which will engage different muscle groups – in just 20 minutes – at home and outside, alone, or in a group. Buildstrong arms and shoulders while all the gyms are closed – no equipment needed / with your own bodyweight! If you are brave, do it up to 3 times in a row for MAXIMUM gains. In this upper body workout, I tried to find the perfect balance between rest and contraction to reach hypertrophy without allow your muscles to rest for too long. It changes periodically from arms to abs while your core will be engaged as well. Different push up variations as well as ab exercises will be included – all with your own bodyweight!

This video is full length, so you can follow along and stop whenever you like – BUT TRY NOT TO! If you feel like you can do an exercise 5 seconds longer, feel free to do it! Do this workout 3-4 times a week & see results after weeks -massive gains & muscle growth guaranteed.

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✔️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC84Cz2Z1wMjcwU2JDFj5DRg/channels ?

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me!

Hope this video was informative and helpful to you. Support my educational and sports channel with a thumbs up/comment and subscribe for more videos. ?

Stay healthy.

#upperbodyworkout #buildmusclefromhome #20minhomeworkout #upperbodyworkoutathome

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