Workout Program Builder
Hey Guys, welcome back to the channel.
Here’s another short muscle building workout especially for the Glute or Buttock Muscles. It’s really important to build strength in the glutes to protect your knees especially if you enjoy running.
Not only are the Glutes an important aesthetic muscle but they are extremely important to ward off potential injuries to other joints

You may hear people talk about Glute Amnesia, or the fact their glutes don’t work properly.
Probably the biggest reason why the glutes shut down is due to inactivity.
If you fail to consistently activate a muscle it will inevitably stop working
You generally find that many muscles get activated from everyday movements
such as standing up, climbing stairs, lifting boxes up from off the ground etc.
However, the gluteus maximus fails to achieve high levels of activation during
these everyday movements.

Glute imbalances can also be caused by dysfunction brought on by injury and
subsequent associated pain. Injuries to the knee, or any part of the leg for that
matter, can cause that glute to shut down and lead to subsequent strength

Whatever the cause is, it usually doesn’t matter, as the solution is the same.
During the rehab process, it’s important to remember that you might have been
walking around with a gluteal imbalance for over a decade, therefore it’s going to
take some time to rewire your motor function.

Perform lots of extra work for the weaker side in the form of isometric and
bodyweight glute activation drills.
Use resistance bands placed around the feet, ankles, or knees to perform squats,
bridges, and various walking movements like the ones you see in this workout.

Remember to stretch off tight hip flexors and include core stability work such as
side planks and Pallov presses. I have plenty of stretching workouts on my channel to combat tightness’s in joints.

I really hope you enjoy the workout. Perform these exercises regularly and you will DEFINITELY see results quickly!

Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks guys!

Please contact me for ANY information on PERSONAL TRAINING & NUTRITION COACHING on Zoom .
I also have a full range of group classes on Zoom which are VERY competitively priced!

Contact me on here or below!

Social Platforms:
Facebook: Sustain Health & Lifestyle Coaching
Twitter: @mel_philpresent
Email: [email protected]


Music: Take it
Musician: LiQWYD

Music: Closer
Musician: Marco Lazovic

Music: Shave
Musician: Marco Lazovic

Music: Last Night
Musician: Marco Lazovic

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