Workout Program Builder
See how to bulk up and gain mass quickly:

In this video, Fitness Model Troy Adashun takes you on an anabolic packed workout routine that will help you build bigger arms, legs, and back muscles in the same workout! This is an incredibly intense workout plan that should help skinny guys maximize their muscle building genetics by unleashing maximum anabolic hormones and working the body’s largest and strongest muscle groups.

If you are looking for an incredible all around workout plan that will punish your arms, legs, and back muscles – this is the routine for you. Start off 2014 with an anabolic bang – and try this well rounded workout routine for radical muscle growth.

This workout plan will focus on the compound exercises that work the major muscle groups in the body. This is the key to maximizing your muscle building and is the perfect workout routine for any skinny guy who is a true “hard gainer.”

Troy Adashun takes you through the entire workout routine in this video and shows you the proper form.

0:24 – Exercise One will be the barbell row. This is a proven muscle building compound exercise and will work the middle back as well as the arms.

1:02 – Exercise two is the T-Bar row. Another variation of the row exercise that puts more emphasis on the arm muscles, and mid to upper back. This is one of Troy Adashun’s favorite muscle building exercises that emphasizes the biceps and back in the same movement.

1:48 – Exercise three is the barbell curl. For all you guys who love to work their biceps – this is the exercise for you! Make sure to go heavy on this but keep proper form.

2:29 – Exercise four is a great quadriceps exercise and a variation of the traditional barbell squat. The DB squat will work different muscle groups in your legs, and will be a great lower body muscle builder.

3:17 – Exercise five is the dead-lift, and is one of the most important muscle building exercises that most guys don’t perform regularly. This is a great anabolic maximizing exercise because you work your lower back, arms, and hamstrings in the same compound exercise.

4:16 – Last but certainly not least is one of the best upper body exercises for maximum muscle growth. The wide grip pull up is great for building bigger arms and wide, thick and muscular back.

Make sure to try this workout for maximum release of anabolic hormones and to build rock solid lean muscle mass.

Read the full article on Weight Gain Network:







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