Fitness Workout
Update: 1 minute 30 second rests are still fine, especially if you need to be time efficient. But 3-5 minute rests are a little more optimal if you have the time to spare.

Hitting subscribe has shown to extend elevated protein synthesis.
My diet:

My song in this video:

Lean Bulk guide:

Week 1, Monday:workout A, Wednesday: Workout B, Friday: Workout A
Week 2, Monday:Workout B, Wednesday: Workout A, Friday: Workout B. Then repeat.

Note: You can start this program doing 5×5, but you will need to switch to 3×5 soon enough as 5×5 is going to become too much.

Workout A: Squats, 3 sets, 5 reps.
Bench, 3 sets, 5 reps
Weighted chin-up, 3 sets, 5 reps
Exercise of your choice

Workout B: Squats, 3 sets, 5 reps
OHP, 3 sets, 5 reps
Deadlift, 1 set, 5 reps.
Chin-up 3 sets 5 reps
Exercise of your choice

The weight used for the sets is static, meaning if you do 60 kg in set 1, you will do 60 kg in set 2 and 3. Rest time between sets is 1 minute 30 seconds.

ad 2.5 lb to each side of the bar every session (only ad 1.25lb to chinup). If you fail an exercise 2 sessions in a row, drop the weight by 10% and build it back up 1.25 kg intervals again. By doing this you should continuously break through plateaus. If you fail to get past a weight after resetting the weight twice, take a weeklong deload of lifting about 50% of the weight you normally lift.
Build up to 5 chin ups by doing negative chinups, Technique:

Here is me performing workout A:
12 tips for fat loss here:
Lean bulk guide:






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